Monday, September 9, 2013

my first literary work for Farm Breeze, "CODENAME"

By: Adrianne Gomez

When’ll I reveal your name?
I know it’s such a shame,
that you’ve receive so much fame.
When’ll I expose you to all my friends?
I know it’s me to blame
for I, who was then tame,
now had fallen into your stream.
When’ll I divulge your face?
Everyone around me seems so nosy
every time I said your name.
They thought as if this codename
had finally gotten the heart of queen,
but then as I always say, “Lucky Jack he could be”.
When’ll everyone see those tantalizing eyes
that made me thought of it
as brighter than the brightest star?
Those alluring eyes that had dance me
for three hundred seconds in that momentous night of mine.
Maybe I still need practice.
But if one day you’ll come and asked who is codename,
I’ll just smile and point you out without the need of thinking.

-->the first poem i submitted for farm breeze publication :)

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